Courtesy of TBF Consultant
Courtesy of TBF Consultant
Courtesy of TBF Consultant
Courtesy of TBF Consultant
The Bespoke Fashion Consultant as well known as TBF Consultant Indonesia is the first fashion platform business incubator. The Bespoke Fashion Consultant intends to help designers and people with their fashion business from sourcing, production, branding, event, marketing, selling, and digital maintenance. We are the solution for your brand, from zero to hero.
Courtesy of Elima
We gain a deep understanding of your brand’s vision and mission, and then we translate it into a brand’s message.
The selection of styles, designs, fabrics, colors, and applications will be provided by our team.
Constructive recommendation for your fashion label’s direction and unique selling point.
TBF will assist you to turn your creative collaboration concepts into profitable collections.
Our extended connection of photographers, stylists, model agencies, and other fashion insiders will ensure your business to have engaging campaigns, lookbooks, and videos.
It is important to arrange the perfect activation, showroom, runway, and promotional tools to meet the right community which will boost your label’s sales figure.
TBF Consultant is ready to be your label’s adviser and representative complete with a long list of reputable trade shows, exhibitions, and buyers’ rooms.
We will guide you to digitialize your labels with cool portfolio websites, accessible e-commerces, and engaging social media content.
We gain a deep understanding of your brand’s vision and mission, and then we translate it into a brand’s message.
The selection of styles, designs, fabrics, colors, and applications will be provided by our team.
Constructive recommendation for your fashion label’s direction and unique selling point.
TBF will assist you to turn your creative collaboration concepts into profitable collections.
Our extended connection of photographers, stylists, model agencies, and other fashion insiders will ensure your business to have engaging campaigns, lookbooks, and videos.
It is important to arrange the perfect activation, showroom, runway, and promotional tools to meet the right community which will boost your label’s sales figure.
TBF Consultant is ready to be your label’s adviser and representative complete with a long list of reputable trade shows, exhibitions, and buyers’ rooms.
We will guide you to digitialize your labels with cool portfolio websites, accessible e-commerces, and engaging social media content.
Courtesy of Bootcamp
Courtesy of KIND Denim
Dengan menghadirkan para pelaku bisnis lokal dan internasional, IDFES2024 menjadi kesempatan berharga untuk memperkuat ekosistem fashion lokal dan mendukung pertumbuhan UMKM di Indonesia.
Mengawali debut koleksi Elima di-batch kedua kali ini akan sedikit berbeda, karena mengusung konsep resort modern dan dinamis dalam paduan yang elegant merupakan sebuah manifestasi karya dari Elima akan konsistensinya pada industry fesyen lokal indonesia.
Mulai tahun 2020 hingga beberapa tahun ke depan, para pelaku bisnis fashion akan menemui ketiga tipe konsumen ini. Apa saja?
Masih berpikir untuk menjalankan bisnis sendiri bersama partner? Coba selami bersama konsultan fashion agar lebih terarah!
Ketika sebuah brand sudah paham apa yang menjadi Brand DNA nya, maka lebih mudah untuk menentukan perencanaan taktikal dan strategis selanjutnya.
Mari berkenalan dengan tiga fashion brand lokal yang dibimbing oleh TBF Consultant mulai dari zero to hero!
Courtesy of Faboo